Healing Horticulture Concept

  • Healing Horticulture concept

    Three Options:

    ~ 6-week duration, 2.5 hours on a Wednesday evening (7pm – 9.30pm) for Blenheim based people

    ~ Weekend to allow the concept to be taken to more remote locations

    ~ Via zoom on a weekly basis as per the 6-week option

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    A wide range of basic horticultural topics to be covered.

    Each person will be given a propagation kit.

    My plan is to show them the ‘how’ at the course to enable them to go home and propagate, allowing the basic concept regarding Horticultural Therapy to galvanise.

  • Session Format

    The format of each session will include the following five phases:






    Followed by a light supper to allow for further caring and sharing.

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    To ensure confidence during the sharing phase, participants will be reminded that in these sessions Chatham House Rules strictly apply.

  • Topics that will be covered

    Week 1 - Creating Plants: The theory and practice of plant propagation. (sowing seeds)

    Week 2- The world below ground level: Soils (taking cuttings)

    Week 3- The Importance of bugs in soil including how to make good compost (Soil Component ID Propagation by division)

    Week 4- The world above ground level: Plant Science (Pricking out)

    Week 5- The Importance of keeping sharp: Secateurs: sharpening secateurs and pruning

    Week 6 - Introduction to weather and predicting it from looking at clouds. (Course reflections)

  • Workbook

    Outlines programme and allows for personal reflections

    Participants supplied with:

    Small plant propagator seed tray,

    Seeds (microgreens)

    Seed raising, cuttings & amp; potting mixes

    Course booklet

    Light snack with tea/coffee

    Post course desk top reminder pack